Ex-translator who fled Afghanistan starts fresh in Orlando with nonprofit’s help – Orlando Sentinel

M.Z. with his wife and child, photo courtesy of Orlando Sentinel

From the window of his fourth-floor apartment near downtown Orlando, the man who calls himself “M.Z.” has an expansive view of his odd new world. Amid oak-lined streets and tiny, tranquil lakes, he is starting over here at age 35.

Everything he worked for in his prior life, half his extended family and all his friends are 7,600 miles away.

“But I feel pretty much comfortable here,” Mohebullah Zyarmal says one recent afternoon. “I do not hear the sound of bullets or the sound of bombs in [the] nine months since I leave Afghanistan. When I was there, every single day I hear those sounds, but since I come here it is quiet. This is [a] good difference.”

Read more on the Orlando Sentinel’s website.

We are proud to provide housing and employment for people like M.Z. as part of our program with Lutheran Services of Florida.

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